The flight path of aircraft over Hook Heath as they head to Farnborough

This is a rough tracing of the actual landing routes of aircraft during the week from 21st June to 27th June 2009. Note that the majority of aircraft pass over Woking to the East of Hook Heath. The flight paths sometimes overlap but my best estimate is that there were 12 aircraft during that week which flew over Hook Heath heading for a landing at Farnborough.

Flights over Hook Heath in detail

Flight paths over Hook Heath
One week of flights over Hook Heath in Summer 2009
Flights over Hook Heath Surmmer 2014
One week of flights over Hook Heath in Summer 2014

Flights over Woking in general

Flight paths for aircraft over Hook Heath 2009
One week of flights over Woking in Summer 2009
Flight paths for aircraft over Hook Heath 2014
One week of flights over Woking in Summer 2014

Note that each red line represents the passage of one aircraft. See the mass of aircraft over Woking to our North East. A similar plot is available for the aircraft taking off and heading our way. Fortunately virtually every one turns right and does not make it as far as Hook Heath.

You will see that very few aircraft come in from the Northerly side. This is a quirk of the location of other airfields and the controlled zone around Heathrow.

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