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Activity in the area
Local List of Heritage Assets
Yes, Woking Council have a list of Heritage Assets, click here to see the list They are asking for your comments.
New footbridge over railway
New bridge sections are said to be 'under construction' to be delivered to St Johns at the end of February. Work is said to start 'preparing' the old site over the weekend of 8/9 March 2025. But don't get too excited as they will need to close the railway for an 'extended period' to install the new footbridge. Quite when this will happen is very uncertain.
Mile Path
The old muddy path has been replaced with a smart
new one. It copes well except for a few days after particularly heavy rain.
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Events and activities
Plenty of local places to visit, bandstand concerts plus other great activities to join.
Why we live in Hook Heath
See what attracted residents to Hook Heath. We also see their likes and dislikes.
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