The objectives of Hook Heath Residents' Association
The Association shall have as its aims the furtherance of the common interests of its
members and the maintenance and improvement of the amenities affecting those
members. In particular, its
objectives shall be:
- To preserve the present character of Hook Heath and protect the local environment
- To provide members with help and assistance on matters affecting them, particularly in relation to letters of
objection to the local council or public enquiries
- To deal with planning matters that affect the area and are against the consensus of the opinion of residents
To liaise with the council and all political parties to achieve an agreed status for Hook Heath which reflects the
consensus of the opinion of the residents
To be aware of local issues in adjoining areas which may have repercussions for Hook Heath, and to provide
mutual support to adjacent Residents' Associations to fight plans which could be detrimental to the
surrounding environment
- To care for other matters of common concern which arise from time to time, e.g. traffic, public services,
security, trees, etc.